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Top 10 Automation Testing Interview Questions – 2024



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Learn and practice important automation testing interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced QA professionals candidates to crack the interview.

Testing is designing and building a product or piece of software and putting it through its paces until it is perfected. It’s a crucial aspect of the product development cycle to ensure your product is as fantastic as you want.

Testing has become more complex and refined in recent years. Automation testing is a kind of software testing that compares the actual result to the intended result. This can be accomplished by using test scripts or other automated testing tools. Automating repeated procedures and other testing tasks that are not simple to complete manually is what test automation is for.

Some teams do not have the time or resources to test software manually. This is where automation may help. Because it works swiftly and efficiently, it can drastically cut the time to evaluate products. As a result, developers and production managers will have more time, which they may dedicate to other project elements. As a result, productivity can skyrocket.

When preparing for an automation tester interview, we must think about automation and concentrate on the framework and stages. As a result, automation testing is fast gaining traction in the market to keep up with the high pace of development.

So here is a list of interview questions on automation testing:

Q1. What is the definition of automation testing?

Automation testing is the process of performing testing tasks such as entering data, conducting test steps, comparing findings, and using special software tools or scripts.

Q2. What are the essential characteristics of a good automation tool?

Testing is an integral part of software development that ensures high-quality products and a favorable end-user experience. Several automated testing tools on the market can help you improve coverage and speed up your delivery cycle, but not all of them are made equal.

There are several features that every good automated testing tool should have-

  • Support for test environments and ease of usage
  • Awesome debugging capabilities
  • Improved quality
  • Ability to test objects and images
  • Object recognition
  • Reduced time to run repetitive tests
  • Database testing
  • Supports numerous frameworks

Q3. What are the different types of frameworks used in software testing automation?

Different types of frameworks used in software automation testing are-

  • Data-driven automation framework
  • Modular automation framework
  • Linear scripting framework
  • Hybrid automation framework
  • Keyword-driven automation framework
  • Library architecture framework

Q4. What are the disadvantages of manual testing?

  • It is a slow and delayed process
  • It is very time-consuming
  • It requires more resources
  • The results are less accurate
  • It is challenging to compare a large amount of data.

Q5. What are the steps of the automation process?

  • The steps involved in the automation process are as follows:
  • Choosing a test tool
  • Define the initial automation’s scope.
  • Planning, design, and development
  • Execution of the test
  • Maintenance

Q6. List the advantages of automated testing?

Automated testing can help QA teams work more efficiently. The benefits of automated testing-

  • Increased precision
  • Improved reporting abilities
  • Expanded coverage
  • Improve resource efficiency
  • Improved detection of bugs
  • Improved reusability

A software tester can make mistakes when manually checking a system, especially when an application has hundreds to thousands of lines of code. Automation aids the QA team in avoiding human errors in application testing and completing checks in less time than if done manually.

Q7. Name the things which you can automate in everyday life?

  • Computer backups
  • Self-updating contact book
  • Payroll
  • Invoicing
  • Bills
  • Taxes

Q8. What is the primary goal of automation testing?

Automated testing’s primary purpose is to save time, effort, and money on repetitive tests that don’t change often. Automation testing enables teams and organizations to automate testing processes, eliminating human intervention and increasing speed, reliability, and efficiency.

It also helps shorten the development cycle because developers receive immediate feedback and may iterate more quickly.

Q9. What are some of the best test automation practices?

Here are some best practices that software development and the testing team should follow to ensure high-quality software.

  1. Choose which tasks to automate.
  2. Specific tests, such as usability, accessibility, exploratory testing, and non-repetitive test cases that change frequently are impossible or impractical to automate.
  3. Assign test cases depending on experience and skill.
  4. Consider the tester’s abilities and expertise and the complexity and severity of the feature under test when dividing test cases.
  5. Getting rid of uncertainty
  6. Test automation aims to create reliable, accurate, and consistent tests while also providing helpful feedback to the tester.

Q10. Who should be in charge of testing automation? Developers or Quality Assurance?

It is the job of a team to write, execute, and manage test scripts because they are expected to be a single unit accountable for providing a quality software system. To properly do automation testing, developers and QA should collaborate and use each other’s talents.

Each team possesses its own set of abilities. For example, some have more technical testers, some have quality-focused developers, and yet others have testers with development experience. As a result, confining automated testing to a single department is a bad idea. Instead, the key to a successful automated testing strategy is collaboration and teamwork.

Q11. Final Words?

Software testing is an important activity that ensures product quality and gives developers the confidence to deploy software to clients. Automation testing is a kind of software testing in which tests are performed automatically utilizing tools, scripts, and frameworks, resulting in increased testing efficiency and speed.

During your interview, you’ll be asked questions about automation testing, whether you’re applying for a software engineer or an automation testing engineer position. While the interviewer may ask task-specific questions to assess your suitability for the job, prepare your responses to these questions ahead of time to boost your chances of getting hired.

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DevLabs Alliance conducts career transformation workshops & training in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Agile, DevOps, Big Data, Blockchain, Software Test Automation, Robotics Process Automation, and other cutting-edge technologies.


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