Anti Slavery Policy
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Slavery is a serious crime in almost all legal systems around the world along with Human Trafficking. Both these crimes are synonymous in nature in terms of violation of humanity and human rights wherein a human being is held against his own will and often forced to work, against his wish, in fields or practices. The liberties of every human being are sacrosanct and almost attain an exalted status as each human being is equal to another, an original masterpiece of a supreme creator with none required to defer to the wishes of others except by his own free wish, will or emotions.
We at DevLabs Alliance are strictly against slavery and human trafficking; we abhor the very notion of it. We consider it as against the very basic element of humanity itself. We are, thus, committed to be vigilant in all our operational units and across the input chains that there is not even an iota of slavery, in any form, anywhere near our operational, management and/or support systems including the auxiliary units handled by the independent contractors for and on our behalf. The notion of fair remuneration to the staff and support units is deeply and inseparably embedded in the idea for war against modern form of slavery. Financial independence is the most potent weapon against modern form of slavery. We ensure the payment of legally mandated wages across the operational, academic and support staff and also fair distribution of bonus etc. at festive occasions so that the financial independence of the human resources associated with our organization is not compromised in any manner. We follow a fair human resources policy within our organization to keep up the fight against the modern forms of slavery. We also require all our private contractors to attest and submit the legal declarations that none of their personnel is kept working against their wishes and is being actually paid at least the legally mandated wages and other social benefits like medical insurance and provident fund contributions. The statements of the medical benefits fund and provident fund are to be mandatorily deposited within the seven days of an elapsed quarter in a year beginning from January. We are committed to ensure that none of our units compromise against slavery and human trafficking. Thus there are specific prohibitions against hiring of forced or underage or underpaid laborers by the private contractors. The same is included in every such contract drafted by our legal associates and monitored consistently by our senior staff in charge of specific units. All our staff and private contractors are required to keep themselves acquainted with the policy against slavery and human trafficking. Each of the personnel associated with the organization is thoroughly verified through verification of government IDs.
It is the responsibility of unit heads to keep the record of all their subordinates under them and those working under the private contractors that their place of origin has been duly and correctly entered in the records of the organization. Specific checks, if required, for places of origin which are notorious for human trafficking shall be duly made before such contractors or personnel are legally associated with the organization in any manner.
The compliance of the anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking policy is mandatory for every employee and the responsibility for ensuring the same has been delegated to the head of the legal services unit of the organization.
Any breach of the policy by the organization or by any of its employees or by any of its private contractors may be directly reported to the head of legal services unit who shall immediately seek legal redressal and compliance through the required measures.
The proactive disclosure of any breach of the policy on anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking or any clarification regarding the same may also be addressed to the unit head of the legal services unit of the organization.
1603, Capitol Avenue, Suite 413A, 2659, Cheyenne, WY 82001, USA
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